Triathlon is a journey. Whether your starting with a sprint, olympic, 70.3 or Ironman the common theme is that the journey is your own and unique to yourself.

I’ve been working with Steph for around 9 months on my journey (from beginner to hopefully something else one day…..). I’ve appreciated Steph’s insights and detailed orientated approach. I’m a person who likes quantitative feedback and the programs Steph has set me allow me to see the micro changes which Steph is seeking to achieve.

I’ve also appreciated how accessible Steph has been when I’ve needed to change things up due to work or home commitments. This has been really valuable as a busy professional with a family. I know the outcomes and ultimate success of our coach/athlete relationship won’t be guided by my initial race results but rather the changes in approach that Steph has made (and will make) to me over the course of this journey both as an athlete and as a person.

Whether beginner, intermediate or experienced I’m sure Steph can help you on your triathlon journey.