As a paying member of GPC Squad, you voluntarily choose to utilize the personalized training program and coaching services of Geelong Performance Coaching (GPC Squad), in order to improve your training and racing.

Understand that the training philosophy of GPC Squad is to very gradually and scientifically increase the client’s ability to train and race more effectively. This training philosophy may create certain potential risks such as abnormalities in my blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, and/or musculoskeletal system that cannot be predicted with complete accuracy.

The athlete is responsible for monitoring their own condition throughout the personalised training program which they have chosen and agreed to undertake. Should any unusual symptoms or conditions occur, the athlete will immediately cease following the training program and inform their health care provider of the symptoms or condition.

By completing the GPC Squad New Athlete Form, the athlete states that they agree to this agreement and waiver of liability, they acknowledge that they have read this statement in its entirety and that they understand the potential risks associated with these personal training program services.

In conjunction, they agree to consult with and obtain written permission from their primary care physician prior to undertaking this new training program. If they do not consult with and obtain permission from their primary care physician, they accept any and all consequences that may result from this inaction.

The athlete understands that these personal training program services are not online coaching and that regular contact with coaches will be available & is encouraged.

The athlete understands that GPC Squad training camps, training fees & coaching fees are strictly non-refundable but may be transferable to another GPC Squad service.

Finally, in consideration for being allowed to participate and choosing to engage in this training program, they agree to assume the risks of such training, and further agree to hold harmless, GPC Squad from any and all claims, suits, losses, and/or related causes of actions and damages, including, but not limited to, such claims that may result from my injury or death, accidental or otherwise, during or arising in any way from, these personal training program services. By becoming a fee-paying member of GPC Squad and/or completing the new athlete form, they will indicate that you have read, understand and agree to the above statement.