Packing for Interstate or Overseas Travel Triathlon Part 3

One of the most stressful things about interstate or overseas travel with your bike to races is the packing. How will everything fit into the car? Will I make the baggage weight limit at the airport? What If I forget something vital? This week we look at packing your bike for flying.

Dissembling Your Bike Part 2

  1. Secure frame into bag/box & use padding
  2. Secure wheels next to frame or within bag/box
  3. Final padding & protection
  4. Place any bolts, screws, skewers etc. in a sealed bag or pocket with the bike including tools
  5. Seal up box or bag & include your contact details clearly on the baggage including ‘fragile’ sticker

Preparing for Interstate or Overseas Travel for Triathlon Part 1

Preparing for Interstate or Overseas Travel for Triathlon Part 2

Also seeĀ The Travelling Triathlete