Provide Your Coach Weekly Feedback

At GPC Squad, we take pride in the success we have with our correspondence athletes and we want to make sure you constantly get the best channels to give feedback, which is the key to any successful coach-athlete relationship.

Why Your Coach Wants Feedback:

  • So your program can be structured  around your other commitments such as work, family, social life etc.
  • To monitor and adapt training load. If you do more/less on any given day or move sessions around this can affect your upcoming sessions for the rest of the week or next week.
  • To understand you as a person and athlete better including your response to your training load including emotions, recovery process, motivation and stress.
  • GPC do not offer a online coaching service. Our athletes are via correspondence or based locally. A correspondence athlete is still expected to communicate with their coach regularly.

What They Need to Hear:

  • Your work/study schedule and other commitments that might affect training availability
  • How your key sessions went in addition to your uploaded data on Training Peaks. Such as how you felt, what you could improve on, what went well, PBs etc.
  • Races or events you wish to compete in, with as much notice as possible
  • Any changes to your appetite, hormone levels, stress levels, motivation levels, sleep patterns etc.

How/When Do I Provide Feedback?

  • Online weekly feedback form. This is a great tool to provide feedback regarding general availability & a weekly summary via the  We prefer this is done on Wednesday or Thursday applicable for the upcoming week. You may also choose to do this via an email.
  • Training Peaks App. Write a comment under your session with a quick review of how you felt or if the weather/ conditions affected your data.
  • Email. This may be a few questions or thoughts regarding your program that aren’t particularly urgent but will be responded to ASAP.
  • Text. For quick questions or updates about your sessions or if you are sick/injured.
  • Phone Call. For longer questions or if you prefer to have a conversation rather than messages.
  • Face to Face Meeting. Replacing a phone call, this may be useful to review technique, connect with your coach as a person and answer longer questions or have a discussion about your goals or reviewing a race/program.