Our partners at ProFeet Podiatry have written a great blog explaining the best ways to reduce your chance of injury whilst running. The blog is aimed at beginner runners but the advice is relevant to all levels. Check it out below.
Geelong Podiatrist Maddie McMahon and her Top 5 tips for beginner runner and preventing running injuries
As Sports Podiatrists we are passionate about keeping you out there and doing the activity you enjoy!
Below is a list of top 5 tips to help prevent injuries and keep you running!
- Mobility work
Your feet are made up of 52 little bones (88 joints)… they are made to MOVE!
Our feet spend a lot of time on hard, flat surfaces and we don’t get much of a chance to move them.
Ball work: use a tennis ball, golf ball or lacrosse ball and standing up, roll it under your feet for 1-2 mins each foot, daily! Both side to side and up and back.
- Running shoes
Wearing old and worn-out shoes leads to a change in biomechanics and load patterns, placing increased stress on joints, bones, muscles and tendons.
Get fitted for the right pair of running shoes… it will make a massive difference!
- Day-day shoes
We spend 8-10 hours a day in our work/casual shoes.
Get an awesome quality day-day shoe like Ecco, Frankie 4, BARED or similar. Your feet will love you for it!
- Regular soft tissue work
Your legs will accumulate tightness and fatigue.
Ideally see your massage / myotherapist once every couple of weeks when you are beginning your running program. It will help to offset the increased load on your legs, helping to keep you fresh and not fatigued.
- Previous Injury
One of the biggest risk factors for injury is having had a previous injury. If you are just in the beginning phases of running (the first 3-6 months) we recommend seeing one of our Sports Podiatrists to get a 3D running assessment to accurately identify and address the causative factors as to why you had/have the injury.
If you would further information on a 3D running assessment, a specific injury/niggle please feel free to give me a call/email or make a time to see us in the clinic.
For an appointment or further information please visit ProFeet’s web site here.