Depression is not often talked about in athletes but it does exist. In a hard sport like triathlon, it is often normal to feel a bit depressed the day after a race or the day after a hard session when you have given it everything and your body is full of cortisol which is a stress hormones. Make sure you look after your recovery, your daily sleep and nutrition as this will contribute to your mental health benefits…
Depression in athletes
By Stephane Vander Bruggen|2020-03-10T16:03:39+11:00March 10th, 2020|Categories: Recovery|Tags: Recovery, Triathlon|Comments Off on Depression in athletes
About the Author: Stephane Vander Bruggen
5x AG World Champion, Sub 9h Ironman athlete - Stephane originates from Belgium and spent many of his early years racing triathlon there. It is in Belgium through the influence of his parents that he fell in love with the sport. A natural competitor Stephane became a student of the sport always searching for ways to give him an edge over his competition. This constant study and striving for improvement has naturally progressed into a passion for coaching triathlon and its individual disciplines.