I often get asked what are the things you should not do before an Ironman Prep so I put this blog together:
- Be at race weight
- Be 10% over race weight
- Be at your peak fitness
- Be really unfit
- Just be coming off a full block of intense training in the 3 sports
- Be injured
- Change your diet completely
- Have missed out on a 10 weeks strength endurance block
- Have none of your material sorted inc shoes, tri suit, wheels & bike
- Have no nutrition products that have been trialled before
IM is not for everyone. It has to be respected and taken seriously. You can’t just say “I am doing an IM in 3 months”.
Well you can if your goal is only to finish, or to finish just under the cut off time – inc walking the marathon. There is nothing wrong with that. Just finishing an IM is a huge achievement. But to be at your best, you need to train at least 10h per week, do at least one long swim, bike & run per week + respect those 10 points. You need to have all the boxes ticked & leave nothing to chance in your training, recovery & nutrition.
I love the newly crowned Olympic champion. Blummy is a legend & I hope I am wrong but he said he is going to win his first IM in Kona this year. That is not respecting the race & the island. I love his confidence, but I think he will get a shock