Once the temperature gets above 35 degrees Celsius, the body has a much more difficult job to cool itself, but the hyperthermia and dehydration can cause fatigue at much lower temperatures due to wind, amount of sun exposure, clothing etc. Hyperthermia is defined as having a body core temperature of greater than 37.5C.
You may notice:
- Increased heart rate above what would be considered “normal” for you
- Flushed and red skin
- Increased breathing rate
- Dry skin and mouth
- Dizziness or feeling faint
You will be more susceptible to the heat of the day if you’re start time for a training session or race is later and/or the session/race is longer in duration.
Tips to keep cool & avoid hyperthermia:
- Slow down the intensity or stop
- Aim to consume approx. 1.5L liquid per hour whilst cycling
- Consume a mix of water & electrolyte drink
- Add ice to your cap/helmet or clothing
- Wear a full cap not a visor
- Use powdered sunscreen or sunscreen that is water resistant
- Douse your head/arms and torso with water
- Drink plenty of fluid and salt your foods pre event (72 hours before)
- When racing, ask an official/marshal for help if you feel unwell
Steph’s hot tip:
Place a little esky (box or bag) in transition or in the gear drop off for the tent with plenty of ice packs in there to keep your nutrition cool. I even put in a 1.5lt plastic bottle in there with 1 liter of frozen water and I only use that to pour on my body.
Prepared by Stephane Vander Bruggen. This is based on over 25 years experience and may need to be modified for your training or race.